The four most popular states in business migration (New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia) all have their own nomination criteria and we have compiled their respective literature in a single table to organise the information in a clearer format. The following information is here for quick reference purposes and is current as of […]

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188A state nomination criteria comparison: NSW, VIC, QLD and SA

The four most popular states in business migration (New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia) all have their own nomination criteria and we have compiled their respective literature in a single table to organise the information in a clearer format.

The following information is here for quick reference purposes and is current as of 12 January 2022. Blank areas are either implied, omitted or addressed in other sections so please refer to the information in context.

All states have a preference to investments and businesses in their target sectors, and innovation (through product or process) demonstrated to contribute to their own economies. Target sectors differ from state to state with all states appearing to prioritise advanced technologies and unique and competitive business models. The likelihood of proposed activity going ahead will be important to demonstrate intent and commitment to the nominating state, therefore business proposal must fit within the migrant’s capacity and background to carry it out.

Business migration teams have a dedicated team to manage and process these applications with some states providing information and direction on government services and programs relevant to the proposed business.

Charterdoc supports and assists business migrants and their migration agents to formulate a suitable 188A business proposal that satisfies the relevant state criteria while being realistic and practicable to carry out.

New South WalesVictoriaQueenslandSA
Priority is given toApplicants with 15 points for business experience or points for business innovation qualifications
Basic requirementsPoints test a minimum score of 65Score at least 65 points
Meet the Home Affairs requirements including minimum financial requirementsMeet Home Affairs immigration eligibility criteriaMeet Home Affairs immigration eligibility criteria
Be committed to meet the requirements for permanent residenceDemonstrate a genuine commitment to QLDIntend to live in South Australia, agree to register arrival in SA
Must be under 50 years of ageMust be under 55 years of ageMust be under 55
Vocational English
Bachelor degree holder or Australian equivalent or 3 years of business experience in a NSW target sector (or 5 years in a non-target sector)STEMM qualification or an MBA or relevant business history in a target sector
Business proposalInnovative business proposalBusiness proposalBusiness proposal
Net business assets and personal assetsAt least A$1.75M in Sydney and at least a$1.25M in Regional NSWAt least A$1.25M ready to be transferred to QLD after visa grant
InvestmentPermanent visa (subclass 888) will be refused if the business investment is not made as followsMust invest in one or two qualifying business(es) in QLD after visa grantMust invest in a business as follows
A$300K if under 55 years old and A$600K if 55 or older
A$500K if in SydneyAt least A$400K if in Greater Brisbane and Gold Coast regionProperty development in Adelaide: A$1.5M if under 55 years of age (A$2M if 55 years or older)
A$300K if in regional NSWAt least A$300K if in regional QLDProperty development in regional SA: A$1.2M if under 55 years of age (A$1.5M if 55 years or older)
Export (purchase value): A$750K – A$1.25M if under 55 years of age (A$1.5M – A$2.5M if 55 years or older)
Business plan requirements and notesProvide a business proposal that clearly describes how your business will contribute to the NSW economy and create new jobsBusiness proposal must show innovation and job creation. BP must demonstrate that the business will contribute to innovation in Victoria through innovations in either product or process.Proposal must meet SA nomination ‘benefit to state requirements’ and must provide detailed information on the viability and economic impact of the proposal to SA.
Must create a minimum of two new full-time equivalent jobsMust employ at least 2 full-time eligible employeesMust create at least 2 full-time eligible employees
If purchasing an existing business, must show growth in the business since taking over. Either an increase in annual turnover of at least 10% or an increase in business assets of at least 25%.
Export activity must provide a direct contribution to Victoria. Parallel exporting is not accepted. Evidence of authorisation and acknowledgement between exporter (business migrant) and trademark owner must accompany application.Export business must develop international markets for QLD products
General importing business will not be accepted unless they are highly innovative, advanced in tech or currently unavailable in QLD.Import businesses will require substantial justification to demonstrate the benefit to state.
Property development business will not be accepted.Approval for a proposed business undertaking property development is still at the discretion of the manager of business migration. A private investor property development is not accepted.
Businesses will not be accepted include: property development, gift stores, convenience stores and cafes or restaurants.SA will manage the demand levels for certain businesses including cafes, restaurants, convenience stores, service stations and retail stores.
ExemptionsWaiver of the age requirement in limited circumstances for those with an exceptional and innovative business proposal for VictoriaApplicants over 55 years must demonstrate that the proposal will be of exceptional economic benefit to SA by meeting higher investment threshold
Alternative evidence for vocational English
Exemptions from job creation and business growth requirement if business has implemented innovative and unique practices or is located in Regional NSW and trades primarily in a Regional NSW target sectorExempt from creating job creation requirement if eligible business’ turnover is at least A$1 million per year for the 2 years before applying for PR
Applicants with between 55 and 65 points can apply for exceptional circumstances for the additional 10 points with priority given to investment proposals to be undertaken in SA.