The following information is here for quick reference purposes and is current as of 25 January 2022. Blank areas are either implied, omitted or addressed in other sections so please refer to the information in context. Charterdoc supports and assists business migrants and their migration agents to formulate a suitable 188A business proposal that satisfies […]

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188A state nomination criteria comparison: WA, NT, TAS and ACT

The following information is here for quick reference purposes and is current as of 25 January 2022. Blank areas are either implied, omitted or addressed in other sections so please refer to the information in context.

Charterdoc supports and assists business migrants and their migration agents to formulate a suitable 188A business proposal that satisfies the relevant state criteria while being realistic and practicable to carry out.

Western AustraliaNorthern TerritoryTasmaniaAustralian Capital Territory
Priority is given toPreference will be given to applicants who have visited WA, and who have family, friends or business associates in WA.High regard given to business proposals that include generation of significant flow-on opportunities for the Tasmanian economy, including trade expansion and the creation and or retention of local jobs, partnership with at least one business partner who is a permanent resident or an Australian citizen, likelihood that the initiative would not otherwise proceed without the direct involvement of the applicant, environmentally sustainable initiatives and investment in key sectors
Basic requirementsSuccessful history of doing business and wish to do business and invest in the NTBe a successful business owner or innovator proposing a new business or partnering with an existing Australian business partner to develop new technologies or innovations, enhance industry capabilities, or offer a product or service with a distinct point of difference, which is suited to Tasmanian conditions
Meet Department of Home Affairs criteriaMeet Australian Government criteriaMeet DHA visa requirementsMeet DHA criteria
Applicant and their dependents residing in Australia are required to live, work and or study in WA.Successful applicants must notify the NT Government of their contact details, including any changesApplicants must intend to live in Tasmania and contribute to Tasmania’s economy while they hold a subclass 188 visa associated with the Tasmanian nomination, and agree to the nomination undertakingsMake a personal commitment, and have sufficient personal funds to settle in Canberra upon grant of the subclass 188 visa
Business proposalBusiness proposal demonstrating their ability to contribute economically to the NT, the benefit to the NT from proposed activities and their ability to deliver on the proposed activityBusiness proposals that demonstrate the applicant’s ability to operate businesses and develop business concepts that will genuinely benefit Tasmania’s economy through innovation and new technologies, and enhancing industry capabilitiesBusiness proposal no more than 5 pages
Applications must be complete and decision-ready, including all relevant evidence to support all claimsBusiness proposal must be realistic, well-researched and plausible
Applicant must demonstrate that they have or can acquire the relevant knowledge, skills, experiences, qualifications, licences etc to undertake senior level day-to-day and strategic management of the business in TasmaniaSummary of the applicant’s successful business career (no more than one page)
Have sufficient funds to settle in Tasmania
Net business assets
InvestmentAt least A$200,000 to establish a new business or purchase an existing business in TasmaniaAt least A$200,000 to establish or purchase a business in Canberra
Business plan requirements and notesSubmit a business proposal that includes a detailed budget with costings to substantiate the net assets in business, new employment and total net assets in WAActivities must benefit Australia’s NT and align with its economic goalsIf partnering with an Australian-based business partner, the applicant must demonstrate their genuine commitment to investing with an Australian-based business partner to either enhance an existing business or state a new business in TasmaniaBusiness plan must include proposed ACT business investment activity, statement of economic benefit (explaining how the proposed business will be of economic benefit to the ACT), statement of economic viability (explaining what market research or study has been undertaken into the relevant sectors in the ACT), a statement of financial viability (explaining the expected costs of establishing or purchasing the business and financial projects for the first two years), and description of any Australian business activities of interest, including any period of ownership
Business proposal must clearly demonstrate how the business will contribute positively to the WA economy and create jobsInvestment activities benefiting the NT can include: transfer of new capital, generation of new employment, generation of indigenous employment, expansion of trade in NT goods or services, development of export markets for NT products or replacement of imports, the introduction of new skills, expertise, technologies or innovations, investment in remote areas, investment in a range of areas such as healthcare, education, tourism, mining and primary industries and fisheries, and have a significant flow on effect to other sectors of the economyIf investing in an existing business in Tasmania, the business must not be a franchise and the applicant must provide evidence of the agreement to invest
WA has a non-restrictive business activity policy meaning business migrants can undertake the business activity of their choice, providing it meets the qualifying business definition of the Department of Home AffairsApplicants must demonstrate an understanding of Australia’s NT business and investment, have genuine intentions to actively pursue business or investment in the NT and have the financial capacity and business acumen to support their proposed activitiesFollowing business activities will generally be excluded: passive investment, general importing, real estate property investment and development, export of commodities and scrap metal, mining service operations (administration services for the mining sector) and setting up an existing franchise
Business proposals will be assessed competitively based on the viability of the proposed business, realistic business activity, and contribution to the WA economy including the generation of new jobs and the retention of existing jobsApplicants can demonstrate their ability to deliver on their proposed business activity by having an existing business in the NT, having a history of dealing with NT businesses, social links to the NT, including relatives and associates, undertaking an exploratory visit to research establishing a business in the NT, having established a residence in the NT, showing they have researched the business and investment environment of the NT, and showing they have an understanding of the legal and licensing framework for operating a business in the NT.If introducing technologies and innovations with existing patents and trademarks to Tasmania, the applicant must have ownership of the relevant patents and or trademarks from an authorised governing body or prove that the technology can be used without breaching intellectual property rights laws
Property development business applicants must propose a project with at least three dwellings which will generate the minimum required turnover amount in sales within the term of the visa as required by the Department of Home Affairs (DHA). An applicant’s residence can be part of the business project but must be in addition to the minimum three dwellings and the required net business assets. 188 applicants cannot undertake a property development business activity in partnership with any other party.Business plan must include how the proposed activity can benefit Tasmania’s economy, an explanation of the applicant’s role in the proposed business activity and how they have or can acquire the relevant knowledge, skills, experiences, qualifications, licences etc, to undertake senior level day-to-day and strategic management of the business in Tasmania, a proposed timetable for undertaking the business activity in Tasmania, including timing for the transfer of cash and other assets, discussions held with relevant government, industry bodies, potential collaborators, relevant individuals and organisations on the business proposal (include dates, names and contact details), research and study (including any exploratory visits to Tasmania) into the proposed business activity in the Tasmanian business environment such as target market, opportunities, barriers, how to break into the existing market, licensing and registration, and the details of financing with realistic projects of risks, profits and losses.
A business that sources products or services internationally and sells to overseas clients with the payments and income going through a business in WA will not be selected. The majority of the products or services need to be sourced from WA and exported internationally.
Research must have been conducted and applicants must be able to explain how they have decided on the viability of their proposed business activity, investment amount and the number of new and/or retained employees
Approval must be sought from WA business migration centre in writing to change the business proposal of an approved nomination application.
Recycling of business ideas is not allowed. Applicants will not be selected for state nomination if the business has previously been used by another business migrant.Any negative information in relation to the applicant’s business or investment activities may result in them not being nominated
Exemptions and preferencesAge waiver or additional 10 points request is assessed if the net assets in WA of at least A$1.5M of which at least $500,000 is invested in the business, and there is a creation of the equivalent of one new full-time job.Applicants must demonstrate that their proposed business is of unique and important benefit to Tasmania to seek an age waiver or a 10-point special endorsement. The proposed activity must be substantially different or innovative compared with existing businesses or allow Tasmania to gain some significant competitive advantage that it does not currently have, or demonstrate that the applicant has exceptional qualifications and experience linked to the business (that is, the business cannot proceed without the applicant).
Other state nominationsApplicants who have made an application to another state or territory of Australia will not be selected unless there are exceptional circumstancesNT nomination is not transferable to any other Australian state or territory