Even though entrepreneurs generally have the autonomy to design their jobs, they are more at risk of burnout because they tend to be extremely passionate about work and more socially isolated, have limited safety nets and operate in high uncertainty. Burnout causes a constant state of anxiety and stress, often as a result of pressures […]

Self-awareness, the very key to building successful start-ups and private businesses

Even though entrepreneurs generally have the autonomy to design their jobs, they are more at risk of burnout because they tend to be extremely passionate about work and more socially isolated, have limited safety nets and operate in high uncertainty.

Burnout causes a constant state of anxiety and stress, often as a result of pressures or expected outcomes concerning social acceptance, status, and money. Business owners who are burned out usually feel like they’re on their own, and have to do everything themselves because they don’t trust other people to be accountable for their work.

Passion for startups and new business ideas doesn’t have to mean constant stress; prioritising the individual’s self awareness while building their business creates more successful outcomes.

Making healthier lifestyle choices, practicing self-care and increasing self-awareness are critical practices for entrepreneurs. Self-awareness, the latest buzzword in management, means the ability to perceive and monitor our internal world, some calling it self-consciousness. It also means understanding how others view us and the ability to take on their perspectives with empathy and compassion.

When we see ourselves clearly we are more confident and more creative, leading to decisiveness, stronger relationships and effective communication all of which are critical to becoming great leaders with satisfied employees and more-profitable companies.