Consulting migrant clients from non-Western cultures means one needs to approach the situation based on the individual’s specific cultural background while skilfully applying it to the relevant Australian way that is the Western philosophy. As an example, as one of the key differences between the cultural norms of East Asia and the West, those from […]

When cultural differences make or break cases

Consulting migrant clients from non-Western cultures means one needs to approach the situation based on the individual’s specific cultural background while skilfully applying it to the relevant Australian way that is the Western philosophy.

As an example, as one of the key differences between the cultural norms of East Asia and the West, those from East Asian backgrounds largely think from macro to micro, whereas Western philosophies go from micro to macro.

This varied pattern of thinking means clients from non-Western backgrounds will sometimes give a flood of information in response to reasonably direct questions that call for direct answers. They do so with the firm belief that giving consideration to these peripheral factors is just as important in the process to reach a successful outcome. It takes a patient and highly knowledgeable consultant to acknowledge this cultural difference and reassure the client while navigating through the information to find what is relevant and suitable for the agenda at hand.

In an industry like the migration advisory where one interacts with all types of minds from across the globe, this level of cognitive diversity can often be the cause for confusion, inefficiency and general frustration for all participants. In addressing the relatively specific administrative requirements in Australia, this holistic approach from many of the clients making their case, while appreciated, is sometimes not the best strategy for a good commercial outcome.

Just as one sees a fish and another an aquarium, those in the migration advisory sector in the know of these differences can employ agile processes to cater to a broad range of clients from different cultures.