A city is smart when investments in human and social capital, infrastructure and disruptive technologies fuel sustainable economic growth and high quality of life, with a wise management of natural resources through participatory governance. Deloitte 2015 Smart cities emerge as the result of many smart solutions across all sectors of society. To survive and thrive […]

Building secure, smart cities through migration

A city is smart when investments in human and social capital, infrastructure and disruptive technologies fuel sustainable economic growth and high quality of life, with a wise management of natural resources through participatory governance. Deloitte 2015

Smart cities emerge as the result of many smart solutions across all sectors of society. To survive and thrive in the new normal, every business, new and existing, across every sector in Australia, must now aim towards adding to the build of Australian cities becoming secure, smart cities.

Through migration, Australian governments and businesses endeavour to win the global ‘war on talent’ by attracting and retaining high-tech and creative individuals. These people are vital for continuous renewal of the economic infrastructure through creative destruction and innovation. They are the foundation for new initiatives, start-ups and a climate in which innovation can flourish.

As traditional jobs disappear, talent is required to be the catalyst in a process that creates new businesses and new jobs. Cities of the world are therefore competing for this talent. The Australian government is set to win high-level talent with a set focus on growing an innovative financial sector, support for various start-up ecosystems and vibrant, 24/7 urban lifestyles.

The GTI (Global Talent Independent) program, skilled migration, business migration programs are all visa pathways designed by the government to attract high-tech and creative individuals from all parts of the globe for Australia to win the ‘war on talent’ to build secure, smart cities.