Creating listings

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In a digital marketplace, the service aspect of knowledge work (such as accounting, consulting or legal work) is offered in a very much itemised catalogue fashion.

Like picking which ice cream you want from an informative menu, freelancing professionals can unpack their services into a number of various listings, allowing clients to hire them without any further clarification.

Professionals can advertise their availability for their advertised service in either or both deliverables or role-based methods. Both ways require professionals to specify what service they are offering to provide.

Listing a service as a deliverables-based

Freelancing professionals can create as many listings as they need to display their entire menu of services. One listing is per type of service. For example “Individual annual tax return lodgement”.

From a client’s perspective, the information contained in the listing helps them decide whether they should hire you for professional services. To create a successful listing, you will need the following components:

  1. An attractive, high quality and professional image that conveys the work that will be done, your area of expertise or of you
  2. A reasonable price that fits the service you are offering (you will also be required to set up your payment details)
  3. An informative outline of the service you are offering.

The informative outline is expected to include:

  • What specifically will be delivered
  • When it wll be delivered (for e.g, within 2 weeks of work request)
  • What steps will be undertaken once the client requests your services
  • What paperwork and information is required from the client
  • Other outcomes and expectations

You may also use this space to describe your understanding of the client’s (anticipated) need and how it will be approached.

The client can only hire and engage you on the platform if the information in the listing makes it easy for them to do so.

A large part of whether a client will consider you as a potential service provider will be based on the information provided in your professional profile page. You may want to use that space to convey your level of experience, area of expertise, approach and interests together with high quality, professional image of yourself.

Invite users to ask questions or comment below the listing. Edit the details of your listing as required if you continue to receive any frequently asked questions.

The listings remain indefinitely in the marketplace, even if you are hired for a task.

Listing a service as a role-based

Freelancing professionals can create as many listings as a role-based as they need to display their entire menu of services. One listing is per type of service. For example, “Business annual tax return and related advisory service”.

From a client’s perspective, the information contained in the listing helps them decide whether they should hire you for professional services. To create a successful listing, you will need the following components:

  1. An attractive, high quality and professional image that conveys the work that will be done, your area of expertise or of you
  2. A reasonable per hour fee that fits the service you are offering (you will also be required to set up your payment details)
  3. An informative outline of the service you are offering.
  4. Expected minimum hours required for the service so that the client can pay that much when they request you for the service.

The informative outline is expected to include:

  • What specifically will be included as your role in providing this service
  • When it wll be delivered (for e.g, within 2 weeks of work request)
  • What steps will be undertaken once the client requests your services
  • What paperwork and information is required from the client
  • Other outcomes and expectations

You may also use this space to describe your understanding of the client’s (anticipated) need and how it will be approached.

The client can only hire and engage you on the platform if the information in the listing makes it easy for them to do so.

A large part of whether a client will consider you as a potential service provider will be based on the information provided in your professional profile page. You may want to use that space to convey your level of experience, area of expertise, approach and interests together with a high quality, professional image of yourself.

Invite users to ask questions or comment below the listing. Edit the details of your listing as required if you continue to receive any frequently asked questions.

The listings remain indefinitely in the marketplace, even if you are hired for a task.