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Charterdoc is committed to building a knowledge-intensive and professional community platform that is a professional, positive and commercially viable environment for all. To foster trust and respect in the community, all members are required to follow the guidelines below.

This document will continue to grow as we observe what’s best for the Charterdoc community.

Any breaches or action that goes against Charterdoc values and the usual standards of behaviour (both general and professional) will result in us taking action to remove any content, listings or member including cancellations of any existing service agreements.


Fake or miscellaneous photos and names are not permitted on Charterdoc. Members that do not have an accurate profile photo or name will be asked to make changes.

Professional profiles must be complete, comprehensive and informative

Clients will rely on the information provided in the professional profiles before deciding to hire a service provider. It is important that the information provided in the profiles are complete, comprehensive and informative.

Professionals who do not have complete, comprehensive and informative profiles will be asked to improve their pages.

Posting services

Professionals are encouraged to create listings that detail clear scope, time and price. This is to help clients make informed decisions in a time-efficient manner and avoid going back and forth with the usual questions for each service. Professionals are also encouraged to include images and use the platform listing facilities at their full capacity demonstrating a high level of professional care to clients.

Professionals who wish to engage clients from offline may choose to point them to the Charterdoc platform to undertake the service, providing a secure escrow payment platform for the client which improves trust.

Accountability for service outcomes

Each professional is accountable for their behaviour on the Charterdoc platform and the outcome of the service they provide. Professionals who repetitively provide poor experiences for clients as reported on Charterdoc may have their account cancelled or suspended as well any current/ongoing service listings.

No advertising

Charterdoc encourages professionals to build their own practice, helping small businesses grow using the marketplace platform. However, Charterdoc is not a platform for business and business-related advertisements including employment or recruitment.

No circumvention

Clients rely on the Charterdoc digital platform to engage professionals in using professional services. Instructions to clients or potential clients to bypass the platform and engage directly is not conducive to building and maintaining a digital, commercially viable community for the knowledge-intensive profession.

The digital platform together with a powerful third-party escrow payment facilities and review system ensures trust in transactions, helping parties achieve engagement by improving trust.

Professionals are encouraged to create micro deliverables detailing the scope of the service in their listing, as would be anticipated by the client to accommodate an efficient engagement process.