
State priority industries, sectors

Updated on 15 June 2020

In one sense, nothing has really changed. But in another, everything is different. The COVID-19 pandemic has radically shifted the context in which businesses plan and execute on their strategy.

The reality has been reset, with many businesses devastated; a few are newly advantaged, and the starting points for recovery are polarised.

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Genuine businesses, positions

Updated on 18 May 2020

As the reopening of economies continues across the nation, it’s worth taking stock of the trends that will define the months ahead.

The spread of the coronavirus represents a perfect storm for business disruption; combining a rapidly evolving threat, an uneven recovery, disparate government regulations and shaken supply chains. The complexity of operating a company during this tumultuous time is unprecedented and the stakes are astronomically high.

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Seizing rebuilding opportunities

Updated on 11 May 2020

A small business will only seek business writing at the consultant level when there’s a specific need; in this instance, a migration application. It often does not have a budget nor the mind space to take up on this option for any other reason in their day to day operation (in spite of COVID-19).

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Addendum to a submission

Updated on 4 May 2020

As governments make significant interventions in response to the coronavirus, businesses are rapidly adjusting to the changing needs of their people, while navigating the financial and operational challenges.

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Contactless interaction

Updated 27 April 2020

Prior to the pandemic, we saw the rollout of contactless payment options through mobile devices. With the increase in people wanting to limit what they touch, an option to pay for goods and services that does not require any physical contact is likely to continue to gain traction.

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Changing sectors, values

Updated on 20 April 2020

As the virus upends productivity across the world, the question now is how bad things will get. Economists’ models trained on business cycles in the post-war era are of little use to us now. 

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